Testing User Authentication
From the Fixture level
Our hypothetical Rails app: the Foo Club
Let's imagine that Foo Club wants you to build an application to display events. These events are of two types—public and private:
- Public events are visible to anyone visiting our application.
Say someone prospecting, to determine if the Club is a right fit. - . . .
Posted in: craftsmanshipfixturesminitestrailstesting
Code coverage analysis tools
SimpleCov: how to add it to your tool belt and (the 5) why(s)
Why am I reading this?
Popular software development culture advises us that 100% test coverage of our code is no reason for pride. It's not even a goal to be pursued on high priority. Either taught by our experience already, or we've overheard at least an elder (developer) say say it before: having test that provide complete . . .
Posted in: craftsmanshiprailstestingtools
Testing asynchronous emails
the Rails 4.2+ way
Disclaimer: These "lab notes" were originally written for and published on Engine Yard's blog back in April.
While putting them together, Noah Slater's patient feedback changed the tone and the flow of this article significantly for the better.
Having said that, let's dig in!
. . .