The New Managers Death Spiral
with @rands and #TeamLeadTO
This week, Michael Lopp, a.k.a. @rands or "Slack's VP Engineering", was in Toronto and he was kind enough to meet with us and share some of the more common don'ts and do's that he encountered in his experience thus far.
[…] walk us through a story where a new manager successfully performs every single . . .
Posted in: #teamleadtoleadershippeopleware
Team Lead: Day to Day Practices
Panel discussion with #TeamLeadTO
A panel discussion around the Day to Day TL Practices topic sparked tonight amongst the #TeamLeadTO members:
We each get through our everyday TL lives with our own bag of best practices, life hacks and mindful habits. We’ve collected those from books, blogs, mentors, and our own hard-earned experience.
Now it’s time to . . .
Elixir Bootcamp
Notes on the Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp, part 1
These notes come as breadcrumbs left along my journey through the Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp. This is the first part that covers discovering Elixir. The second part will cover Phoenix. Here we go:
There are no methods in Elixir—just functions:
There are no objects in Elixir (nor methods). If they are . . .
Global Day of Code Retreat 2016
Toronto Edition
Whiteboarding the LHC
JEG2's take on coding interviews, and how to pass them
At RailsConf earlier this year, James Edward Gray II talked about coding interviews, and how to pass them:
If you apply for a programming job, you may be asked to complete a take home code challenge, "pair program" with another developer, and/or sketch out some code on a whiteboard. A lot has been said of the validity . . .
Testing User Authentication
From the Fixture level
Our hypothetical Rails app: the Foo Club
Let's imagine that Foo Club wants you to build an application to display events. These events are of two types—public and private:
- Public events are visible to anyone visiting our application.
Say someone prospecting, to determine if the Club is a right fit. - . . .
Posted in: craftsmanshipfixturesminitestrailstesting
Reading: Good Omens
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
All work and no play makes Marius a dull boy
This is one comes somewhat complementary to the other articles that are mostly focused on either technical subjects or around team/company culture or craftsmanship.
So much more complementary as life tends so much more than work, than passions, than what you live, than what lives . . .
Posted in: reading